Friday, February 17, 2006

Potential Meltdown...

Well, Reggie and Marty just left this morning after an eventful 2 day visit. It was great and soo good to see them, but last night after letting all the dogs out at once, Dumplin vanished! We called and called for her.... Chris and his Dad were out in the back yard frantically looking for her and Mom Bradshaw was inside becoming a panicked mess. I've never seen anyone get so upset so quickly. I, on the other hand, was sitting on the couch feeding the baby... so I couldn't contribute much to the "Hunt for Dumplin." So after about 15 minutes of complete and utter chaos... who comes prancing out of one of the bedrooms like nothing was going on??? DUMPLIN!!!! What a little bitch! (Forgive the pun... lol). Anyway, all was very happy that she was found and Marty didn't have a heart attack, THANK GOD! Chris got a shopping spree at Kohl's for dress shirts and pants.... (to help with his job hunt). And I got towels because I refuse to buy any clothes until I lose some weight. Other than that... all is well in Bradshaw land.

Love to all


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