Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sick & Tired

Well, it's true... everyone in the Bradshaw house is either sick... or tired. Caleb stayed home from school today because he's feeling so yucky. Van just got over his cold... but still has a residual cough... and I'm down right TIRED! I fell asleep at 9:30pm last night and took an hour and a half nap before actually going to BED! I have got to start taking vitamins or something. Chris is the only one who has any kind of energy whatsoever. He went and got a new dress shirt last night and I tied his tie for him.... he will look very handsome for his interview tomorrow. I am so praying that he gets this job... I know it's something he would LOVE to do and probably be very good at. Anyway... we'll keep you updated. Hugs to all.


Monday, January 30, 2006

Please God!

Well, Thanks to moi... Chris has an interview with a Sports Marketing firm in Cleveland on Wednesday. You may ask what I have to do with it? Oh... only the fact that I wrote his resume, found the job and emailed them his resume!!! Anyone think I'm ready for him to start working??? lol. He's great and all, but damn we need some money! Baby needs diapers! And, I don't want to breastfeed forever! (Formula's expensive). Anyway, keep him in your thoughts and prayers... plus... maybe we'll get free tickets to Cleveland sports!!! Hugs all.

He Slept Thru the night!

Well, little Bubba slept thru the night last night again! I was getting afraid it wouldn't happen when he started waking up at 4am like clockwork. I feel so good since I got a good night's sleep! I actually got to take my shower and eat before WAKING him up to feed him. Caleb spent the night with Grandma Rita last night. First time in ages. Chris is still looking for a job... everyone keep him in your thoughts and prayers because I know it's getting to him that he's not working. Other than that... everything is great here on the Bradshaw front. Leave comments... we'd love to hear what you guys thing about our boys!


Friday, January 27, 2006

Well, I've been turned on to this blog spot from my friend Nicci and I like this format MUCH better than babababies.com. (Mostly because I can post a ton of photos). Anyway, things are going great here at the Bradshaw household. I am back to work and Chris is taking care of Van for now. Hopefully he'll employed soon though and we won't have to pinch pennies anymore. But, it's ok... we're making it somehow. Now I will be posting a lot of photos so you can see how wonderfully our boys are growing... and unfortunately how Chris and I are growing as well... lol. We're hoping to turn that around though... we got a ton of excercise equipment and Chris has been doing well, but not me... I'm just too damn tired. Hopefully after I'm done breastfeeding I'll have some more energy! Anyway, on to the pics... check the little man out!